We’ve raised... £391,423.45

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You can celebrate your child overcoming a difficult start in life by creating a Sunshine Fund in their honour. A Sunshine Fund is a meaningful way for you and your loved ones to celebrate your child’s life, by making a big difference to other babies and their families. Every donation made to your child’s Sunshine Fund will help babies who, just like your child, were born sick or premature.

About Sunshine Funds

Jo James's skydive

"In 2010 my daughter Molly was born at 28 weeks weighing just 2lb 10ozs, thanks to modern medicine and the skill and care of the hospital staff Molly is now a happy, healthy beautiful little girl who loves to sing and dance as at birth she was only given 50% chance of reaching her first birthday. Molly did have a twin sister Lilly she sadly died at 24 weeks she was too tiny to survive."

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